There are 14 Workforce Regions in Missouri that are led by a Local Workforce Development Boards (WDBs ). WDBs are regional entities created to implement the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) in the United States. Local WDBs are business-led, regional organizations whose mission is to meet the employment and training needs for businesses and job seekers. The WDB's main role is to direct federal, state, local, and private funding to workforce development programs. Local WDBs are key regional partners for workforce needs. They work in tandem with partners including the Missouri Division of Workforce Development, the Missouri State Workforce Development Board (MoWDB), local economic development organizations, local service providers including not-for-profit and faith-based organizations, community colleges and other educational institutions across the state, and federal (U.S. Department of Labor) and state agencies, to provide services and products to assist job seekers and businesses. Some of EJAC WDB's partners include: Missouri Division of Family Services, West Central Missouri Community Action Agency, Jewish Vocational Services, Kansas City Public Schools, North Kansas City School District's Adult Education & Literacy Program, Missouri Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Kansas Vocational Rehabilitation, Missouri Division of Workforce Development, and Missouri Department of Labor & Industrial Relations.
See the full EJAC WDB partners list.
Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEOs) appoint members of Local WDBs. These appointed positions are unpaid. A minimum of 51% of a WDB's membership must come from local businesses and business organizations. There are also designated seats for representatives from labor unions, educational institutions, economic development agencies, community-based agencies, job corps, vocational education and rehabilitation partners, state unemployment insurance, Division of Workforce Development/Wagner-Peyser, National Indian Agencies, TANF agencies, WIOA programs, Community Action Agencies, HUD Section 8 Providers, and Older Worker agencies.
Workforce Development Board's Vision
The Eastern Jackson County Workforce Development Board's (KCV WDB) vision for the Kansas City and Vicinity Workforce Development Region is to supply employers with a skilled workforce and job seekers with 21st Century career opportunities. To accomplish this, the WDB actively recruits and obtains public and private sector employment for the unemployed and underemployed residents of the Greater Kansas City area. The board works in collaboration with businesses, local units of government, educational institutions, and labor and community-based organizations. This partnership responds to employer needs while reducing unemployment, underemployment and the public dependency of area residents.